Media Report
Replacement of PREDIMED results in NEJM (June'2018)
Webinar MA Martínez-González on PREDIMED & Olive oil (Spanish)
Spain leader in Mediterranean diet research
Ceramides: new risk factor for CVD
Olive oil and fractures
White bread and nutritional problems in Spain
Fruits and vegetables increase longevity
Mediterranean diet and weight change
PREDIMED study results: Oliduero Award
PREDIMED study results: PREDIMED report in the journal "Mujer Hoy"
PREDIMED study results: Mediterranean diet may protect women against blindness and breast cancer
PREDIMED study results: Extra virgin oil reduces breast cancer
PREDIMED study results: Mediterranean diet linked to lower risk of Type 2 diabetes
PREDIMED study results: La obesidad abdominal incrementa en más de un 50% el riesgo de mortalidad
PREDIMED study results: Mediterranean diet linked to lower risk of artery disease
PREDIMED news: Two-million euro funding for research on energy-restricted MedDiet (PREDIMEDPLUS)
PREDIMED study results: Mediterranean diet reduced CV event risk by 30%
PREDIMED study results: Mediterranean diet may counteract genetic risk of stroke
PREDIMED study results: Wine Lowers Risk Of Depression
PREDIMED study results: Mediterranean diet improves cognition
A 14-Item Mediterranean Diet Assessment Tool and Obesity Indexes among High-Risk Subjects
Mediterranean diet & regression of atherosclerosis in the PREDIMED-Navarra trial
Prevalence of Morbid Obesity in Spain
The Mediterranean Diet MAY Reduce the Risk of Depression
Mediet Halves Diabetes Risk - The Predimed Trial
Research on the Consumption of Dried Fruits and Nuts
Adherence to Mediterranean diet and risk of developing diabetes: prospective cohort study
The Relationship between Consumption of Ham and the Risk of Weight Gain, Hypertension or Cardiovascular Disease
The Med factor
The Mediterranean Diet and Incidence of Hypertension: The Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra (SUN) Study
Physical activity, sedentary index, and mental disorders in the SUN cohort study
Risk and harms of ethanol consumption
Research Tasks In The PREDIMED Trial
Spain leader in Mediterranean diet research
Ceramides: new risk factor for CVD
Olive oil and fractures
White bread and nutritional problems in Spain
- El País Semanal: White bread, one of the main problems in the Spanish diet
- El País Semanal (en español)
Fruits and vegetables increase longevity
Mediterranean diet and weight change
PREDIMED study results: Oliduero Award
PREDIMED study results: PREDIMED report in the journal "Mujer Hoy"
PREDIMED study results: Mediterranean diet may protect women against blindness and breast cancer
PREDIMED study results: Extra virgin oil reduces breast cancer
PREDIMED study results: Mediterranean diet linked to lower risk of Type 2 diabetes
PREDIMED study results: La obesidad abdominal incrementa en más de un 50% el riesgo de mortalidad
PREDIMED study results: Mediterranean diet linked to lower risk of artery disease
- Abc7.com Video
Mediterranean Diet can lower risk of peripheral artery disease
PREDIMED news: Two-million euro funding for research on energy-restricted MedDiet (PREDIMEDPLUS)
- Heraldo.es
La UE financia a un investigador español para estudiar la obesidad - NoticiasDeNavarra.com
Becado un profesor de la UN para desarrollar un estudio sobre obesidad - Radio
Onda Vasca
PREDIMED study results: Mediterranean diet reduced CV event risk by 30%
- El estudio español que ha revolucionado el mundo - XL Semanal
- The coordinator of the PREDIMED study emphasises the ability of the Mediterranean diet to prevent cardiovascular disease.
- (51) Links to websites in Spanish
- (80) Links to websites in English
- (27) Links to videos
- (3) Radio interview
- Radio interview in RNE: 1 - 2
PREDIMED study results: Mediterranean diet may counteract genetic risk of stroke
- FoxNews.com Mediterranean diet may counteract genetic risk of stroke
- Rtve.es La dieta mediterránea ayuda a prevenir derrames cerebrales en pacientes de diabetes tipo 2
- ElMundo.es Dieta mediterránea para combatir el ictus escrito en los genes
- Elpais.com La dieta mediterránea contrarresta un riesgo de ictus
- EuropaPress.es La dieta mediterránea contrarresta el riesgo genético de accidente cerebrovascular
- Abc.es La dieta mediterránea anula el riesgo genético de sufrir un ictus
PREDIMED study results: Wine Lowers Risk Of Depression
- (22) Links to websites in Spanish
- (36) Links to websites in English
- (9) Links to websites in other languages and videos
PREDIMED study results: Mediterranean diet improves cognition
A 14-Item Mediterranean Diet Assessment Tool and Obesity Indexes among High-Risk Subjects
- The New York Times.com Quiz: Do You Have a Mediterranean Diet?
Mediterranean diet & regression of atherosclerosis in the PREDIMED-Navarra trial
Prevalence of Morbid Obesity in Spain
The Mediterranean Diet MAY Reduce the Risk of Depression
- The New York Times.com Nutrition: Lower Depression Risk Linked to Mediterranean Diet
- US television programs (41) Channels
- (82) Links to websites that have featured this news release
- Antena 3 News - 06/10/09 Dieta contra la depresión [A Diet Against Depression]
Más felices con dieta mediterránea [Happier with the Mediterranean Diet]
Mediet Halves Diabetes Risk - The Predimed Trial
- TheHeart.org New PREDIMED data: Mediterranean diet halves incidence of new-onset diabetes
- ABS-CBNnews.com Traditional Mediterranean diet may cut diabetes risk
- MSNBC.com Traditional Mediterranean diet may cut diabetes risk
- Times Colonist Mediterranean diet provides good fats
- Daily Mirror Traditional Mediterranean diet may cut diabetes risk
- Reuters Health Mediterranean diet may trim diabetes risk
- Reuters Life! Traditional Mediterranean diet may cut diabetes risk
- YAHOO! News Mediterranean diet may trim diabetes risk
- CHINADAILY Mediterranean diet may cut diabetes risk
- The Sydney Morning Herald Vegies are tastier the Mediterranean way
- WegoHealth Cut your diabetes risk by following a Mediterranean diet
- Diet.co.uk Mediterranean Diet Hepls Lower Risk of Diabetes
- MedicinePlus Mediterranean diet may trim diabetes risk
- TVNZ Mediterranean diet may cut diabetes risk
- FOODCONSUMER Mediterranean diet cuts risk of diabetes
- Mother Nature Network Traditional Mediterranean diet may cut diabetes risk
- Diabetes.co.uk Traditional Mediterranean diet helps lower risk of diabetes
- Global NEWS Mediterranean diet may trim diabetes risk
- TOPNEWS Mediterranean Diet Preferable to Low-Fat Diet in Lowering Diabetes Risk
- TheHeart.org New PREDIMED data: Mediterranean diet halves incidence of new-onset diabetes
- TOPNEWSBUZZ Mediterranean Diet May Lower Diabetes Risk
Research on the Consumption of Dried Fruits and Nuts
- Insider Medicine (Video) Mediterranean Diet Plus Mixed Nuts Helps Combat Metabolic Syndrome
- Insider Medicine (Video) Mediterranean Diet Enriched With Mixed Nuts Helps With Management of Metabolic Syndrome
- MedScape.org Mediterranean Diet Plus Mixed Nuts Reduces Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome in PREDIMED
- (15) Links donde se han hecho eco de la noticia: "Frutos secos y menor riesgo de ganar peso" [Dried Fruits and Nuts and a Lower Risk of Weight Gain]
- DiarioDeNavarra.es Frutos secos y ganancia de peso [Dried Fruits and Nuts and Weight Gain]
Adherence to Mediterranean diet and risk of developing diabetes: prospective cohort study
- The New York Times Nutrition: Mediterranean diet may cut diabetes risk
- BMJ Adherence to Mediterranean diet and risk of developing diabetes: prospective cohort study
- BBC News Mediterranean diet and diabetes
- MSNBC Mediterranean diet may ward off diabetes
- elmundo.es La dieta mediterránea también protege contra la diabetes [The Mediterranean Diet Protects against Diabetes]
- (81) Links in English / (24) Links in Spanish
The Relationship between Consumption of Ham and the Risk of Weight Gain, Hypertension or Cardiovascular Disease
- La dieta milagrosa del jamón [The Miraculous Ham Diet]
- ABC El jamón no se asocia a efectos adversos y forma parte de la dieta mediterranea [Ham is Not Associated with Adverse Effects and Forms Part of the Mediterranean Diet]
- A Study by the University of Navarra Affirms that the Consumption of Ham does not Present Adverse Effects
The Med factor
- PublicService.co.uk The role of the Mediterranean diet in the prevention of diabetes
The Mediterranean Diet and Incidence of Hypertension: The Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra (SUN) Study
Physical activity, sedentary index, and mental disorders in the SUN cohort study
- DiarioDeNavarra.es La actividad física reduce en un 25% el riesgo de trastorno mental [Physical Activity Reduces by 25% the Risk of Mental Illness]
- elPeriodico Extremadura La actividad física reduce en un 25% el riesgo de sufrir enfermedades mentales
- DERF / agencia federal de noticias La actividad física reduce en un 25% el riesgo de sufrir enfermedades mentales
- YAHOO! España Noticias La actividad física reduce en un 25 por ciento el riesgo de sufrir enfermedades mentales
- El Confidencial La actividad física reduce en un 25% el riesgo de sufrir enfermedades mentales
- Siglo XXI La actividad física reduce un 25 por ciento el riesgo de sufrir enfermedades mentales
Risk and harms of ethanol consumption
Research Tasks In The PREDIMED Trial